If you couldn't already tell, Christmas is my favorite holiday! Isn't it everyone's?! Ever since I was a little girl my favorite part about the season was getting to decorate our home as well as my grandparents. I was so lucky to have a family who would let me decorate the tree all by myself since I was about 12 years old.
As I got older that passion for decorating never went away (hence the home décor business!), but have you ever noticed that it's pretty hard to find WESTERN and COWBOY Christmas décor? I sure have!
I am going to show you how I took basic Christmas décor items and styled them to give them more of a western feel in my home!

My husband and I have TWO Christmas trees set up in our living room. The traditional tree is a white flocked Christmas tree we have had since we started dating back in 2015. Once or twice we thought about selling it or giving it away but this tree has moved with us four times and has been displayed in every single home we have lived in. She's not the fanciest tree money can buy but after spending eight Christmases dolling her up-it think she's here to stay!

This room is really a collection of some of the first Christmas items we ever purchased-aside from that old tree-we were very traditional back in 2015 and balling on a budget-so we bought some cheap shatter proof red, white and green ornaments. Over time I have started to collect a lot of red décor over the year, left the green ornaments in the tub and created my "Red Country Christmas Room".
The fan favorite décor item in this room is our very own HAND MADE Christmas Cactus!!! This was so much fun to make and honestly I leave it up year round because it is super hard to store AND I love it too much to put away! LOL I always get the question in the middle of the summer "do you have a Christmas tree still up?" because people can see the lights through the window!

Now for my personal favorite, this gorgeous white flocked and glitter tree that stands as the center piece of our family room! I have only started collecting ornaments for this beauty since 2018. When my husband and I finally purchased our own home and stopped renting-we celebrated by buying this way too over priced but totally worth it-fairytale tree!

I have found that combining western artwork in my home paired with simple Christmas décor that plays off the colors used in those artworks really compliments the entire "Western Christmas" vibe so well!! You can grab some snowy winter cattle photos from my store, I suggest one of these:
365 Days a Year
Feedlot Winters
Winter Storm Warning
Of course essential for ANY cozy winter or holiday set up is a western Sherpa blanket that will keep you nice and toasty while you watch all those Christmas movies! The blanket I have displayed here is the She's a Lady Sherpa blanket

This fun new addition is taking mini wreaths and hanging them from your kitchen cabinets. I used these aspen tree type ribbons that are very wide and are lined with wire to help hold the wreath in place. I used simple scotch tape to secure it to the inside wall of the cabinet but I am sure you could use something more sturdy like a command hook.

It's important to remember your secondary living spaces within your home. We always think to decorate the living room. family room and kitchen because those are the heart of our home, but don't forget to add a few little pops of décor throughout your secondary rooms such as bedrooms, offices and bathrooms. This is sure to wow your guests to your attention to detail throughout the entire home!

Additional items you can add to sprinkle some western décor to your holidays:
Christmas Cards
Bathroom Mats
Welcome Mats
Merry Christmas from my ranch to yours!